Assisted Intelligence in Medicine
using Interactive Graphs
ES, version 2024-09-02 /
- Mission
- Make medical knowledge better available for
decisions using interactive graph technologies.
Particularly about interactive differential diagnoses and
recommendations for more investigations and treatments,
i.e."meaningfull use" of available knowledge.
- Roadmap ,
- People
- A community of physicians, data scientists and software
- Knowledge
- Make a synthesis of best current medical knowledge from
different sources as medical ontologies, courses, textbooks,
literature, and above all medical experts from specialized
scientific communities.
- Keep this synthesis up-to-date.
- Decision
- Given information from the patient and from medical
knowledge, try to provide recommendations.
- The complexity of both kinds of information require a
representation as graphs and the use of fuzzy logic.
- Patient
record as graph
- Patient information structured as a graph. Focus on the
relations between symptoms, problems and actions.
- Human
graph interface
- Facilitate the understanding between graphs in human minds
and graphs in machines.
- Natural Language processing and conversion in graphs.
- Research
- In order to improve the knowledge base, analysis of large
populations of patient records. Improve the attributes of
relations and particularly their relative weights.
- Seek unsuspected patterns.
- Evaluate the results of treatments.
- Education
- Training of students playing with graphs in order to
discuss differential diagnosis and the potential benefits of
next actions.
- Use cases
- A patient arrive with a problem, for example shortness of
breath, what are the likelihoods of possible problems and
what are the relative priorities of what should be done
which first questions ? which physical examination ? ask
thorax xRay images ? ask an ECG ? ask lab tests ? begin a
treatment ? decide if an admission is necessary ? After
every answer, re-evaluate the new situation and adapt the
visual graph.
- References
- Contacts
- ...
- .